Mattanaw’s Music

Saturday, May 19th, 2024, at 3:29 PM Arizona Time



Author: MATTANAW I., The Honorable Dr.9 Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh, Retired

Interdisciplinarian with Immeasurable Intelligence. Lifetime Member of the High Intelligence Community.6

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.



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This page includes my current playlists for a variety of genres, for a variety of purposes.

Typically, I sort my music by what I’m going to be doing with it. These are the playlists I’m currently listening to, and I will keep them updated with new content. Otherwise I would not want to continue using them.

If you work at the keyboard, you may want to try listening to my work related playlist.

If you like high energy music for the gym, you may want to try my gym music playlist.

This page is consistent with the moral intent of the website, and I will include thoughts and reflections in addition to the playlists that I’ll be using every day myself.

Study/Work Playlist, Electronic

While studying or working, I was always best able to get focused by:

  1. Wearing earplugs, or
  2. Listening to music with very few lyrics, or no lyrics at all.

Listening to music without any lyrics made it possible for me to think in language more clearly. If the music contains lyrics, it’s hard to not alternate between what the musician is saying and what you are thinking yourself, so you tend to lose time.

It does depend on the task, but choosing lyric-free music is a reliable way to improve the chances that you will pay attention. Typically I listen to electronic and/or classical while studying, but it can be any lyric free music that allows you to pay attention.

Former Video Position

Experiential Screen Recordings

For above playlist

For other autobiographical listenings

After March, 29th, 2023

Before March, 29th, 2023

Classical and Classical Inspired Electronic.

The same comments for the “Study/Work” Playlist apply here.

It is quite easy to focus on work while listening, since there are very few, if any, linguistic distractions, within each track.

It is comprised of some tracks that I listened to in early childhood (Vivaldi’s oboe concertos, for example), and organ works that I really enjoyed in High School, and early in College.

I just began this playlist, so it is very incomplete. I will add more here as I remember other tracks, and as I make more discoveries.

Former Video Position

Gym and Hangout Playlist, and Pop

A long list of pop songs I listen to while hanging out or while doing less vigorous workouts at the gym (elliptical trainer, etc…).

Former Video Position

Experiential Screen Recordings

Gym Playlist, Electronic and Hip Hop

While at the gym the most important thing to me is what will help me generate the most energy.

These are tracks that currently help me with this.

Former Video Position

Experiential Screen Recordings

For other autobiographical listenings